Ten Rules Face Body Paint

Ten Rules Face Body Paint Face painting is an art that is fun and easy to do. His canvas is the human face here. This is only temporary and lasts a few hours. traditional body painting began in the early 12 th century. In some cultures, it was made for religious rituals, in others, to celebrate the ancient ceremonies. Today is more for fun.

If you are new to the art of body painting face, here are some rules that must be considered.

1. Use paints designed for painting the face. Make sure that these paintings have been approved by the FDA and are water based. When painting on human skin, the paint is not designed for this type can cause severe allergic reactions.

2. Keep all your documents by hand. When you start painting, I do not go running for your hardware. Prepare everything you need before you start.

3. When applying paint to large surfaces, use a sponge. The trick here is to use a minimal amount of water. Otherwise, apply the paint too thin. If you want a thicker base, apply three to four layers. Avoid layers of paint on too thickly while this will result in cracking later.

4. When you put the brush to use, the same principle applies to water colors. The more water you use, the easier it is to spread the paint around.

5. If you want to create a three-dimensional appearance, from the lightest shade is darker.

6. To avoid smudging the work, using different sponges and brushes for each color.

7. Use the tools of superior quality. To paint a human face on the best tools to use. It is always better than cure.

8. Keep your model at ease. In makeup, your canvas is not only a vacuum tube of fabric. This is another human being. You must ensure that your model is positioned comfortably.

9. Practice makes perfect. Face painting is a skill that can be developed. The more you paint, you become the best.

10. Be happy! If you work full of happiness, is shown and the results are extraordinary.


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